22 Oct 2018Control AWS from Slack Using GorillaStack
04 Nov 2018Elastic IPs have some pretty tricky pricing.
While they are meant to be free, you will be charged if any of the following conditions are true:
- EIP is not associated with an instance
- Instance associated with the EIP is not running
- The instance associated with the EIP only has more than one EIP address attached to it
Sometimes Elastic IPs could get left behind when resources are deleted, or when other changes occur in an environment.
Our customers wanted an easy way to clean up these Elastic IPs. They let us know. Now we’re happy to announce the capability to release disassociated Elastic IPs.
Once you have selected our new action, you can target either:
- All Disassociated Elastic IPs; OR
- Disassociated Elastic IPs matching one or more Tag Groups
You also have the option to target Elastic IPs by the number of days they have been disassociated. This is similar to our “Delete Detached Volume” action.
Take a look and let us know what you think on our public slack channel.