Cost Optimization Use Cases
Use our suggested rules to manage your cloud spend
- Delete elastic IPs that are no longer in use for cost optimization benefits.
- Update desired task instantiation counts across any number of ECS services. Cache existing settings & restore to an accompanying rule.
- Delete detached volumes using simple customizable retention periods to ensure ample opportunity to create snapshots before removal.
- Choose times during the week to schedule your RDS Instances to turn on and off. Take advantage of predictable load and usage cycles to leverage the flexibility of the cloud.
- Create rules to schedule EC2 Instances based on your anticipated usage. Works best with predictable cycling for non-production environments.
- Define time based workflows for EBS deletion to save storage in your AWS account and optimize cost on EBS Volumes, EBS Snapshots & EBS AMIs.
- Anticipate cycles in compute demand to schedule azure autoscale settings resulting in fully optimized infrastructure at all times.
- Determine the best start times and deallocate times to schedule Azure VMs to come up and down, resulting in significant cost savings.
- Take your cyclical fluctuations in demand for compute and set auto scaling schedules to ensure you have the appropriate infrastructure available.
- Set up a scheduled rule to automatically delete orphaned snapshots. Delete any snapshots whereby the referenced AMI no longer exists.
- Create AWS alerts to track spend for any service or infrastructure usage. Alert yourself or team members in Slack or Email.
- Create rules to automate and schedule scaling of DynamoDB throughput based on your anticipated troughs and peaks in usage.